Sunday, May 30, 2010

First Weekend

I have just finished a great first weekend in Ankara, Turkiye! We explored campus, tried some local cuisine, went out in some local establishments, made it downtown, and I even shopped in a Turkish mall!  I even found time to do my reading :)  I would say my favorite experience of the weekend was mingling with the locals.  First, our waiters at Drunk (literally the bar is called this) loved us...and when we returned for night number two, they remembered both myself and another guy on our trip, Sean and asked for us by name as we arrived later than the others...there is a picture of Sean and me with our waitstaff below:

Last night, at a downtown cafe we danced with some Turkish girls who were celebrating a birthday! They even taught us a dance...check out the video below:

We were jamming to this guy...I thought he was really talented!

We also heard some great music at another downtown cafe, but they covered American music, including Elvis Presley...check out the video!

Well I probably should go to bed soon. It's almost midnight here and I have my first class in the morning at 10am, but have to leave the guest house around 9:20 because the walk is so long...believe it or not, this campus is bigger and more spread out than MSU! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, so the bars are OK -- but what about the *mosques,* Bri? There are dozens of them, some dating to the 14th and 15th centuries.... ;)

    Dr K
