Monday, May 3, 2010

Working on the Final Project

For the amusement of anyone still reading these, I wanted to say that I am excited to be working on this final project. I will say more about this in my official concluding post for the class, but I think my excitement speaks to the importance of public history.  I love history, but my history classes at times make me want to hate it.  Working on ordinary, run-of-the-mill research papers during Finals Week when you have a million things to do and just want to scream at midnight,

does not encourage love of history through such a project.  However, this refreshing new assignment has me not dreading my library cubicle, because I see how it can bring something I love to my real life--even my professional adulthood life--GO FIGURE!

I hope this post (if any of my classmates are reading) encourages you onward as we try to finish up and reminds you that you love history and this project is a way you could make it come alive for someone else.  It is a project that actually matters in the world of alive-walking-around people instead of the world of old-dead-white-guys.

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