Friday, May 28, 2010

First Days

The first full day here has been really great! But we are all very tired! After 19 hours total transit time, we arrived at the Ansyel Sabuncu (Guest House) at METU (Middle Eastern Technical University).

It is so nice here! Looks like a fancy hotel! We have 2 to a "room" which is really like a mini apartment with a kitchenette, living space, bathroom, and separate bedroom!

Each day there is complimentary breakfast which consists of hard boiled eggs, cheeses, meat, tomatoes, cucumbers, bread, and jam.  Along with cay (tea) or coffee. At 10am today we made our way 30 minutes down the huge hill our Guest House is on to main campus to see our classroom. We also had a campus tour.  This campus is very spread out and MUCH bigger than MSU.
After our tour, Folke and Birce (one of the women graduate students coordinating our time in Ankara) set us loose! We ate at Pasa Kebap and I had a Kuzu Sis, which was basically a lamb, lettuce, and pita sandwich with rice that was equivalent to Mexican rice.  Others had Tavuk Kebap which was a chicken dish that looked and kind of tasted like an enchilada.  All of it was really great! and even though our waiter didn't speak any English, we understood each other and he was very patient with us which was good. We then went grocery shopping and caught a cab back to our place for only 3 TL which is $2 USD (1 dollar equals 1.5 TL or .67 USD=1 turkish lira).

Now we're all updating friends and family before grabbing a nap to cure our jetlag! Tonight we're going down to the Drunk cafe--the closest bar!

I'm going to try to keep everyone updated as much as possible but I just figured out that my camera card doesn't fit in my new Mac :( I have an XD card and the mac only takes SD new bff Sarah is going to upload my pics on her computer however and let me borrow hers from time to time.  Her computer won't connect to the internet so she connects through mine and an ethernet cord and so we have a good symbiotic relationship going :)

Keep reading and I'll keep posting! Miss you all already!

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