Monday, May 24, 2010

Leaving in 2 days!

I will be leaving on my first study abroad experience (though not my first time abroad!) on Wednesday! After a 9 hour flight to Frankfurt, a 5 hour layover, and a 3 hour flight, I will find myself in Ankara, Turkey! I have been reading up on my destination, but I still have no idea what to expect...I'm planning to spend my life savings on bottled water as you can't drink theirs and I will save critical comments about Turkey or its founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk for my personal journaling as it is illegal to criticize the government in Turkey.  For now, I think I will focus my study of Turkey on two ideas--Turkey's efforts to officially join the Western ranks through the European Union and the barriers to the admission and the role of secularism as Turkey democratizes. Stay tuned for details of my experience!

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