Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Turkey in the News Today

The news around here is all about the conflict between Israel and Turkey!  I find it fascinating to listen to university students and faculty here at METU discuss the incident.  Being on the ground actually living in the country you are studying makes it that much more intriguing...I am definitely liking the class part as well as the tourism portion of this trip thus far!

Classes started yesterday and we have had two excellent lectures.  I usually hang out with the female graduate students at METU who are coordinating our stay after classes.  Tomorrow we are having a girls' night out and going downtown--I'm really excited.  As a class, during the day tomorrow we are touring a castle and seeing the ancient civilizations museum.  This weekend, half the group is going to Antalya to log some beach time while the rest of us are touring ancient ruins in Cappadocia.

Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day! We didn't celebrate in Turkey...

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