Saturday, April 3, 2010

History matters in Indianapolis too...

So it has been an incredibly long time since I have blogged--shame on me! But now I am posting from such an interesting location--Indianapolis, the site of this year's Final Four! Per my title, I learned from Coach Izzo himself yesterday at the Spartan pep rally, that 10 years ago today, the Spartans won a National Title--right here in Indy! Obviously, every green-blooded Spartan fan is hoping for a repeat of historic importance :)

But I am also thinking of history in the context of our class on this trip as my time in 480 and at MSU is quickly (and fast than I would like, I might add) coming to an end. I met with Dr. K this week to discuss a final project (finally!) I wanted to do something that would matter to my professional life after MSU and that would help me to bring history to the public in my future job--the whole raison d'etre of our class no? In case I haven't mentioned it on this blog, I am hoping to be a professor of political philosophy. To this end, after talking with Dr K. I have decided to write a grant proposal for a lecture series on Intellectual History. We thought it would be cool to have some kind of One Book, One Community type of program in which people (I have yet to determine my audience) would read the original works of let's say 3-5 American intellectuals and then they would read the commentary on those 3-5 by leading scholars on the individuals. Then, this whole process would be followed by a lecture series where the experts come and give a talk on their people.

I have not figured out all of the logistics yet, but I think I want there to be a theme of the whole series--which will help me determine what interesting individuals to study (if anyone has a favorite American Intellectual--please comment below!) Also, I am fairly certain I want my audience to be students and the larger university community, but I would like to do the program as a scholarship program for students in which they would read the information over the summer and then the speakers would come in the fall.

That's what I have for my project for now--any ideas/thoughts are welcome as this is supposed to be a public-type project. Concerning our class project, I am really excited about our direction--think we should really be able to come up with a great proposal for the MI Historical Museum.

I leave you with this image, as I forgot my camera and can't give you a real photo from Indy:

(don't worry, I plan to purchase one today!)

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