Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Flying Solo

This week, our 480 class is flying sans our captain--Dr. K.  But I think it went really well today! I think without having someone who is actually in charge to facilitate discussion, people actually discussed more and took on more individual responsibility.  There was productive discussion between groups today and I think we now have a better understanding of where each group is coming from. 

The Design Team (DT) projected the layout of the temporary exhibit on the board and walked through our thought process with the Research Team (RT). Additionally, we spent our group time today walking through our story board thinking about artifacts (they are now listed in blue on the design page of the Wiki). The DT also shared with the RT  that the project is meant to be a proposal--we only have to prove that items exist, rather than actually having them in hand.  This seemed like news to the Researchers, but they were grateful. We also decided as a class that the RT shouldn't go to Sterling Heights because our time could be better used in other ways. The Researchers (thanks Kelly!) shared with us this awesome interactive website that the LSJ has created about I-496. If our exhibit ends up being merely an online exhibit, getting the rights to that website from the LSJ would be awesome. 

Personally, I feel like the class is getting close to finishing up on this project. The Researchers need to fill in a few gaps as far as artifacts go, and the Designers need to pull everything together into an actual proposal, but as far as conception and thought processes--I think we've got it--which is incredibly encouraging!  Thoughts from others?

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